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Clinical Trial Report

Gene Therapy Trial Report


Study to Test the Safety and How Well Patients With Severe Hemophilia A Respond to Treatment With BAY 2599023 (DTX 201), a Drug Therapy That Delivers a Healthy Version of the Defective Factor VIII Gene Into the Nucleus of Liver Cells Using an Altered, Non-infectious Virus (AAV) as a "Shuttle"

NCTID NCT03588299 (View at
Indication Hemophilia A
Compound Name Peboctocogene camaparvovec (DTX201), liver-specific TTR promotor
Sponsor Bayer
Funder Type Industry
Active not recruiting
Enrollment Count 11

Therapy Information

Target Gene/Variant F8
Therapy Type Gene transfer
Therapy Route In-vivo
Mechanism of Action Functional gene replacement
Route of Administration Intravenous
Drug Product Type Viral vector
Target Tissue/Cell
Delivery System Viral transduction
Vector Type AAVhu37
Editor Type none
Dose 1 0.5E13 GC/kg
Dose 2 1E13 GC/kg
Dose 3 2E13 GC/kg
Dose 4 4E13 GC/kg
Dose 5

Study Record Dates

Current Stage Phase1, Phase2
Submit Date 2018-07-06
Completion Date 2026-11-03
Last Update 2025-02-06

Participation Criteria

Eligible Age >=18 Years
Standard Ages Adult, Older adult
Eligible Sex MALE


No.of Trial Sites 13
Locations Netherlands,United States,United Kingdom,Bulgaria,France,Germany

Regulatory Information

Has US IND True
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