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Clinical Trial Report

Gene Therapy Trial Report


Study of Safety, Tolerability and Efficacy of PBGM01 in Pediatric Participants With GM1 Gangliosidosis

NCTID NCT04713475 (View at
Indication GM1 Gangliosidosis, GM1 Gangliosidosis, Type I, GM1 Gangliosidosis, Type 2, Beta-Galactosidase-1 (GLB1) Deficiency
Compound Name PBGM01
Sponsor Passage Bio, Inc.
Funder Type Industry
Active not recruiting
Enrollment Count 26

Therapy Information

Target Gene/Variant GLB1
Therapy Type Gene transfer
Therapy Route In-vivo
Mechanism of Action Functional gene replacement
Route of Administration Intracisterna magna
Drug Product Type Viral vector
Target Tissue/Cell
Delivery System Viral transduction
Vector Type AAVhu68
Editor Type none
Dose 1 3.3E10 GC/g brain weight
Dose 2 1.1E11 GC/g brain weight
Dose 3 2.2E11 GC/g brain weight
Dose 4 Undisclosed dose 4
Dose 5

Study Record Dates

Current Stage Phase1, Phase2
Submit Date 2021-01-04
Completion Date 2029-02
Last Update 2024-05-28

Participation Criteria

Eligible Age 1 Month - 24 Months
Standard Ages Child
Eligible Sex ALL


No.of Trial Sites 9
Locations Canada,Turkey,United States,Brazil,United Kingdom

Regulatory Information

Has US IND True
Recent Updates Out-licensed development to Gemma Biotherapeutics, uncertain development status
