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The Paris CRISPR 2020 meeting has been cancelled. The CRISPR 2021 meeting will be organized virtually from June 1 to 10, 2021. Mark your calendar!

Large Animals Genetic Engineering Summit

The Chateaux Deer Valley 7815 Royal St East, Park City

Remarkable developments in genome editing are revolutionizing medicine and agriculture as large animal genomes can, for the first time, be modified with sophistication and efficiency so far only achievable in the mouse. This technology allows for improvement in livestock production traits, agricultural animal health and welfare, and generation of more refined large animal models for biomedical applications. The summit will bring together reproductive biologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, animal model developers, preclinical and clinical researchers, and representatives of federal research and regulatory agencies.

The 5th International Conference on Retinoids

This is the only international conference that focuses on Vitamin A. In a spirit of cross-disciplinary education, this meeting provides a "home base" for diverse scientists to review the latest concepts and information about retinoid biology and to assess new developments.