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PEGS Boston Summit

Hynes Convention Center 900 Boylston St, Boston

The world’s largest gathering of protein engineering and biotherapeutics experts is back in Boston! PEGS Boston Summit is the leading biologics event with comprehensive programming covering all aspects of biologic drug development with in-depth presentations on protein and antibody engineering, immunotherapy, oncology, expression, analytics, immunogenicity, and more. Harness the power of in-person events, form genuine connections, create valuable relationships with peers, and become part of the PEGS community. We are currently recruiting speakers to assist in the development of the scientific programming, poster abstracts, and sponsorship & exhibit requests. Limited opportunities are available to present. Submit a presentation proposal by October 21 for priority consideration.

ASGCT 26th Annual Meeting

The American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy’s (ASGCT) Annual Meeting is the premier event for professionals in gene and cell therapy. The five-day meeting is the best place for people in the field to learn from the latest scientific research, stay up to date on new technologies, and make career-advancing connections with peers. Originally designed as a venue for academic researchers to share their work, the Annual Meeting has grown to serve a wide community encompassing clinicians, bio-industry development, regulatory agencies, equipment manufacturers, patient advocates, and more.