The chair is currently developing a description for this conference. This information will be available by September 30, 2020. Please check back for updates.
As is the tradition for this conference, we will strive to provide a gender balanced and an ethnically and geographically diverse meeting that allows investigators to present novel findings and new approaches while also providing a collegial opportunity for all participants to interact.
The chair is currently developing a description for this conference. This information will be available by October 7, 2020. Please check back for updates.
Nanoporous materials have a broad range of capabilities, which have enabled their use in many industrially relevant processes. The utility of each material is driven by understanding and controlling the order and disorder in the system through theoretical understanding, targeted synthesis, and material engineering. This meeting focuses on building relationships between young scientists engaged in the design, synthesis, characterization, and application of porous materials by providing an informal, collaborative environment renowned for facilitating open discussion of unpublished, cutting-edge research.
The field of epigenetics ranges from the phenomenological to detailed understanding of molecular mechanisms. This meeting focuses on diverse systems, approaches, and experimental innovations to discern the core principles of non-genetic mechanisms of inheritance. Topics will include the nature of epigenetic memory in the germ line and soma, across cell division, during development, in response to the environment, and in disease states. Diverse forms of epigenetic information will be considered.
The specific goal for this meeting is to foster fruitful and creative interactions between researchers interested in applying these systems to genome engineering and related advances in a wide variety of organisms, together with scientists studying the basic biology of CRISPR and related bacterial defense systems.