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ExperimentEvaluation of DNA damage, cellular toxicity and inflammatory markers following saCas9 and gRNAs delivery by AAV2 in kidney organoids.
Experiment ConditionAAV2/2-GFP
Assay Description: Compartmental DNA damage was calculated as the percent of YH2AX co-staining among LTL, CHD1 and MEIS1/2/3 positive cells
Tissue Measured:
Measurement Type:Biomarker Detection
Record ID15000003442

Delivery SystemAAV
Delivery System SubtypeViral vector

Model SpeciesHuman
Model NameHuman kidney organoid (stem cell-derived)

Application Methodvirus
Application Site
Injection Frequency
Injection Rate
Injection Volume
Days post injection7 days
Editor Formatno editor
Antidote Id
Antidote Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2750570
Antibody Other IDActive Motif Cat# 39795
Antibody DescriptionMouse anti-meis1/2/3

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2118010
Antibody Other IDCell Signaling Technology Cat# 2577
Antibody DescriptionRabbit anti-Phospho-Histone H2A.X (Ser139)

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_307284
Antibody Other IDAbcam Cat# ab9498
Antibody DescriptionMouse anti-CD31 antibody

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2336558
Antibody Other IDVector Laboratories Cat# B-1325
Antibody DescriptionLotus tetragonolobus lectin (LTL)

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2116561
Antibody Other IDR and D Systems Cat# AF1750
Antibody DescriptionGoat anti-KIM1/HAVCR

Measured Values
Samples Size: 3
Replicate Result (Biomarker Detection)
Measurement Units: %KIM1+/LTL+ cells
Mean 62.94 
1 50 
2 66.66667 
3 60 
4 80 
5 71.43 
6 62.5 
7 50 
Measurement Units: %YH2AX+/CHD1+ cells
Mean 24.04 
1 15.7534246575342 
2 29.8013245033113 
3 26.5625 
Measurement Units: %YH2AX+/LTL+ cells
Mean 58.17 
1 64.3356643356643 
2 57.5418994413408 
3 52.6315789473684 
Measurement Units: %YH2AX+/MEIS1/2/3+ cells
Mean 30.61 
1 23.3995584988962 
2 32.9918032786885 
3 35.4285714285714 
Measurement Units: IL-10 (pg/mL)
Mean 491.34 
1 512.276847412247 
2 490.682364581603 
3 513.103953627712 
4 450.859966622963 
5 515.578696906728 
6 479.309837807072 
7 511.275559120074 
8 457.67154745967 
Measurement Units: IL-6 (pg/mL)
Mean 7.91 
1 7.72452780216676 
2 8.8784773684702 
3 5.51973586207241 
4 10.1474367515684 
5 7.97776945388018 
6 7.4266544119219 
7 7.43532003372835 
8 8.15770843055003 
Measurement Units: IL1-beta (pg/mL)
Mean 4.34 
1 4.33968406632017 
2 4.80608939258317 
3 3.74139531934747 
4 3.98690556903495 
5 4.89736567174163 
6 4.55175310293446 
7 3.77368074815052 
8 4.6430370516758 
Measurement Units: KIM-1 (pg/mL)
Mean 72 
1 71.5833165541194 
2 90.2160638029641 
3 59.3236870646692 
4 81.469906438934 
5 78.8138728778462 
6 63.8860238886115 
7 61.428165238845 
8 69.2591122635337 
Measurement Units: MCP-1 (pg/mL)
Mean 16 
1 18.0070916190554 
2 16.1686378082723 
3 8.70221005688366 
4 17.4432793219612 
5 32.4877578217399 
6 9.74665350939028 
7 16.4090371835311 
8 9.0209742116227 
Measurement Units: NGAL (pg/mL)
Mean 3303.99 
1 3461.44354915398 
2 4007.01594029684 
3 2383.42759214056 
4 2606.11627788187 
5 3466.97334025547 
6 2910.32739554959 
7 4761.98444276883 
8 2834.6371167695