19 results in Projects

The Jackson Laboratory Gene Editing Testing Center (JAX-GETC)

Project  [Animal Reporter and Testing Center]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Murray Stephen A  Last Updated Date: 2024-08-30 NIH Report
The revolution in gene editing technology promises to transform the development of therapeutics to treat human disease. As part of the Somatic Cell Genome Editing consortium, the goal of this project is to build mouse resources and provide an animal model testing platform to support the optimization of novel genome editing technologies for future translational applications.
Show Experiments (18)

Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery targeted to kidney epithelium

Project  [Delivery Systems, Collaborative Opportunity Fund, Biological Effects]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Wilson Ross C. , Freedman Benjamin S  Last Updated Date: 2024-01-16

BCM-Rice Resource for the Analysis of Somatic Gene Editing in Mice

Project  [Animal Reporter and Testing Center]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Heaney Jason D  Last Updated Date: 2023-12-18 NIH Report
Genome editing systems have the potential to cure some of the most severe human diseases. However, there are significant efficacy and safety issues that must be addressed before this technology can be applied in clinical trials. The BCM-Rice Resource Center for the Analysis of Somatic Gene Editing in Mice will create mouse reporter models for testing genome editing technologies, and to use these animal models to test genome editing delivery technologies and new genome editors developed by other Somatic Cell Genome Editing program members.

Comparing the efficiency and cellular impact of non-viral, hepatocyte-targeted delivery vehicles with viral-mediated gene delivery in a microphysiological liver on chip platform

Project  [Delivery Systems, Collaborative Opportunity Fund, Biological Effects]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Wilson Ross C. , Kiani Samira , Gong Shaoqin (Sarah)  Last Updated Date: 2023-12-18

Vascularized kidney organoids on chip for efficacy and toxicity testing of somatic genome editing

Project  [Biological Effects]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Morizane Ryuji  Last Updated Date: 2023-09-22 NIH Report
The proposed work will take advantage of the state-of-the-art technology of kidney organoids that we recently generated from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and further advance this technology toward the goal of establishing kidney tissue platforms for assessment of somatic genome editing. We will optimize kidney organoid generation and AAV transduction for assessment of adverse effects of CRISR genome editing. Further, we will incorporate the 3D-printed vascular system into kidney organoids to simulate in vivo pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics on chips.

Base Editing in Rhesus Airway Epithelial

Project  [Delivery Systems, Genome Editors, Collaborative Opportunity Fund]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Liu David R , Guay David , McCray Paul B , Tarantal Alice F  Last Updated Date: 2023-03-15

SCGE AAV Tropism Supplement: Evaluation Across Multiple Tissues in Mice

Project  [AAV tropism]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Lutz Cathleen M , Gao Guang-Ping , Heaney Jason D , Murray Stephen A , Lagor William Raymond , Dickinson Mary E  Last Updated Date: 2023-02-10
Show Experiments (1)
Leong Kam W  Last Updated Date: 2022-04-15 NIH Report
Gene editing may offer a new therapeutic strategy to tackle many neurodegenerative disorders that remain untreatable. Current methodologies of delivering CRISPR-based gene editing elements to the brain are highly inefficient. We propose to develop a noninvasive, efficient approach to achieve gene editing in the brain using focused ultrasound technology.

Delivery Technologies for In Vivo Genome Editing

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Chaikof Elliot L.  Last Updated Date: 2022-04-15 NIH Report
The difficulty of delivering genome editing agents into many types of cells in animals and patients is a major challenge that must be overcome to realize their full potential to cure genetic diseases. We propose to develop two new strategies for the delivery of genome editing agents into animals and patients that will increase editing efficiency, target cell selectivity, and DNA specificity, as well as a new tool to rapidly and sensitively evaluate the delivery of these agents in mice with minimal effort and expense. These developments will advance the safety and efficacy of genome editing methods for clinical development.
Deverman Benjamin E  Last Updated Date: 2021-04-17 NIH Report
This project aims to advance the NIH Somatic Cell Genome Editing Program’s objective to identify novel delivery technologies that enable genome editing in therapeutically relevant somatic cell populations. We will use proven virus engineering methods to develop new vehicles that can deliver genome editing machinery throughout the adult mammalian central nervous system. Accomplishing this objective would pave the road for applying gene editing, and gene therapy more broadly, to the study and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Enhancing CRISPR Gene Editing in Somatic Tissues by Chemical Modification of Guides and Donors

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Sontheimer Erik J  Last Updated Date: 2021-04-15 NIH Report
RNA-guided CRISPR genome editing systems promise to revolutionize the treatment of inherited disease. Safe, effective, and target-tissue-specific delivery of the guide RNA that directs editing is a critical hurdle in the development of clinical applications for engineered CRISPR systems. Using strategies validated for the delivery of other categories of nucleic acid therapeutics, we have established a framework for complete chemical modification of CRISPR guides, thereby conferring in vivo stability and effective biodistribution properties. The proposed research will optimize these guides, as well as other editing components, for clinical use.
Show Experiments (11)
Chen Zheng-Yi  Last Updated Date: 2021-04-13 NIH Report
The proposal is designed to screen lipid nanoparticles as novel materials for RNP (ribonucleoprotein) delivery of editing machinery into the mammalian sensory organ inner ear, to expand the cell types that can be edited to treat genetic hearing loss and to establish a method to perform the study in wildtype large animals. This study has direct relevance to bringing editing based therapy to clinic.
Conklin Bruce  Last Updated Date: 2021-02-03 NIH Report
Genome editing technologies are poised to revolutionize the practice of modern medicine for the treatment of various types of genetic diseases. However, reliable testbed systems using human cells and tissues are needed to accurately predict both intended and unintended consequences of therapeutic interventions. The primary objective of this proposal is to develop and validate human tissue models capable of sensitively and accurately detecting adverse effects of genome editing on physiologic tissue function.

A Novel Human T-Cell Platform to Define Biological Effects of Genome Editing

Project  [Biological Effects]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Tsai Shengdar Q  Last Updated Date: 2020-12-09 NIH Report
Genome editing technologies have extraordinary potential as the basis of new genomic medicines that address the underlying genetic causes of human disease; however, it is challenging to predict their long-term safety, because we do not know the consequences of potential unintended side effects of genome editing such as off-target mutations or immunogenicity. To define the biological effects of genome editing strategies, we will develop a human primary T-cell platform to sensitively detect functional effects coupled with an empirically-trained artificial intelligence models to predict them. Together, our platform will significantly improve confidence in safety assessments of promising genome editing therapeutics.

Evolving High Potency AAV Vectors for Neuromuscular Genome Editing

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Asokan Aravind  Last Updated Date: 2020-11-19 NIH Report
Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have emerged as safe and effective vectors for clinical gene therapy applications including systemic treatment of neuromuscular diseases such as Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN) amongst others. However, genome editing in neuromuscular tissue, in particular, is challenging. The current proposal is on a comprehensive and innovative approach to evolve high potency AAV variants for systemic neuromuscular genome editing.
Show Experiments (7)

Delivery of CRISPR Ribonucleoproteins to Airway Epithelia Using Novel Amphiphilic Peptides

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
McCray Paul B  Last Updated Date: 2020-11-02 NIH Report
The proposed research is relevant to the public health because genetic and acquired diseases affecting the airways pose major disease and economic burdens. By advancing the delivery of gene editing tools, it may be possible to therapeutically modify the cells lining the airways. This novel strategy has implications for the treatment of both monogenetic and acquired lungs disease, and may have applications for other somatic cell therapies.

Enabling Nanoplatforms for Targeted In Vivo Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Riboncleoproteins in the Brain

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Gong Shaoqin (Sarah)  Last Updated Date: 2020-10-28 NIH Report
In vivo genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is anticipated to be the next wave of therapeutics for various major health threats, including neurodegenerative diseases. However, to date, very few Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoprotein in vivo delivery methods have been reported, and delivery to the brain has been particularly challenging. The unique nanocapsules we plan to develop will ultimately enable high efficiency neuron-targeted genome editing in the brain, thereby offering new hope to treat devastating neurodegenerative diseases.

Develop Combinatorial Non-Viral and Viral CRISPR Delivery for Lung Diseases

Project  [Delivery Systems]
Matched Fields: category : Project
Gao Guang-Ping  Last Updated Date: 2020-10-20 NIH Report
Efficacy and safety limitations in current gene editing technologies have hindered efforts to treat genetic lung diseases. This proposal seeks to develop and validate a combinatorial delivery approach that uses non-viral and viral vehicles to efficiently transport gene editing tools to disease-relevant cells in the lung. Completion of our work will establish safe and effective delivery vehicles that will guide the design of future gene therapies for genetic disorders.
Banfield Jillian , Doudna Jennifer A  Last Updated Date: 2020-10-16 NIH Report
Expanding genome editing tools through exploration of new CRISPR-Cas proteins and DNA repair enzymes NARRATIVE Fundamental research on bacterial adaptive immunity uncovered the genome editing properties of CRISPR-Cas systems, and it is clear that uncultivated microbes contain more pathways and enzymes that may be useful as genome editing tools. We will combine bioinformatics and biochemistry to identify new DNA- and RNA-associating proteins and will analyze their mechanisms of action. We will focus our investigation on newly described CRISPR-Cas systems and DNA-interacting proteins that occur in conserved genomic context.

19 results in Projects

Type Subtype Name Description Source Last Updated Date View Associated...
The Jackson Laboratory Gene Editing Testing Center (JAX-GETC) The revolution in gene editing technology promises to transform the development of therapeutics to treat human disease. As part of the Somatic Cell Genome Editing consortium, the goal of this project is to build mouse resources and provide an animal model testing platform to support the optimization of novel genome editing technologies for future translational applications. 2024-08-30
Show Experiments (18)
Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery targeted to kidney epithelium 2024-01-16
BCM-Rice Resource for the Analysis of Somatic Gene Editing in Mice Genome editing systems have the potential to cure some of the most severe human diseases. However, there are significant efficacy and safety issues that must be addressed before this technology can be applied in clinical trials. The BCM-Rice Resource Center for the Analysis of Somatic Gene Editing in Mice will create mouse reporter models for testing genome editing technologies, and to use these animal models to test genome editing delivery technologies and new genome editors developed by other Somatic Cell Genome Editing program members. 2023-12-18
Comparing the efficiency and cellular impact of non-viral, hepatocyte-targeted delivery vehicles with viral-mediated gene delivery in a microphysiological liver on chip platform 2023-12-18
Vascularized kidney organoids on chip for efficacy and toxicity testing of somatic genome editing The proposed work will take advantage of the state-of-the-art technology of kidney organoids that we recently generated from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and further advance this technology toward the goal of establishing kidney tissue platforms for assessment of somatic genome editing. We will optimize kidney organoid generation and AAV transduction for assessment of adverse effects of CRISR genome editing. Further, we will incorporate the 3D-printed vascular system into kidney organoids to simulate in vivo pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics on chips. 2023-09-22
Base Editing in Rhesus Airway Epithelial 2023-03-15
SCGE AAV Tropism Supplement: Evaluation Across Multiple Tissues in Mice 2023-02-10
Show Experiments (1)
Focused Ultrasound-mediated Delivery of Gene-editing Elements to the Brain for Neurodegenerative Disorders Gene editing may offer a new therapeutic strategy to tackle many neurodegenerative disorders that remain untreatable. Current methodologies of delivering CRISPR-based gene editing elements to the brain are highly inefficient. We propose to develop a noninvasive, efficient approach to achieve gene editing in the brain using focused ultrasound technology. 2022-04-15
Delivery Technologies for In Vivo Genome Editing The difficulty of delivering genome editing agents into many types of cells in animals and patients is a major challenge that must be overcome to realize their full potential to cure genetic diseases. We propose to develop two new strategies for the delivery of genome editing agents into animals and patients that will increase editing efficiency, target cell selectivity, and DNA specificity, as well as a new tool to rapidly and sensitively evaluate the delivery of these agents in mice with minimal effort and expense. These developments will advance the safety and efficacy of genome editing methods for clinical development. 2022-04-15
Novel AAVs Engineered for Efficient and Noninvasive Cross-Species Gene Editing Throughout the Central Nervous System This project aims to advance the NIH Somatic Cell Genome Editing Program’s objective to identify novel delivery technologies that enable genome editing in therapeutically relevant somatic cell populations. We will use proven virus engineering methods to develop new vehicles that can deliver genome editing machinery throughout the adult mammalian central nervous system. Accomplishing this objective would pave the road for applying gene editing, and gene therapy more broadly, to the study and treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders. 2021-04-17
Enhancing CRISPR Gene Editing in Somatic Tissues by Chemical Modification of Guides and Donors RNA-guided CRISPR genome editing systems promise to revolutionize the treatment of inherited disease. Safe, effective, and target-tissue-specific delivery of the guide RNA that directs editing is a critical hurdle in the development of clinical applications for engineered CRISPR systems. Using strategies validated for the delivery of other categories of nucleic acid therapeutics, we have established a framework for complete chemical modification of CRISPR guides, thereby conferring in vivo stability and effective biodistribution properties. The proposed research will optimize these guides, as well as other editing components, for clinical use. 2021-04-15
Show Experiments (11)
Efficient In Vivo RNP-Based Gene Editing in the Sensory Organ Inner Ear Using Bioreducible Lipid Nanoparticles The proposal is designed to screen lipid nanoparticles as novel materials for RNP (ribonucleoprotein) delivery of editing machinery into the mammalian sensory organ inner ear, to expand the cell types that can be edited to treat genetic hearing loss and to establish a method to perform the study in wildtype large animals. This study has direct relevance to bringing editing based therapy to clinic. 2021-04-13
Human Microtissues for In Situ Detection and Functional Measurement of Adverse Consequences Caused by Genome Editing Genome editing technologies are poised to revolutionize the practice of modern medicine for the treatment of various types of genetic diseases. However, reliable testbed systems using human cells and tissues are needed to accurately predict both intended and unintended consequences of therapeutic interventions. The primary objective of this proposal is to develop and validate human tissue models capable of sensitively and accurately detecting adverse effects of genome editing on physiologic tissue function. 2021-02-03
A Novel Human T-Cell Platform to Define Biological Effects of Genome Editing Genome editing technologies have extraordinary potential as the basis of new genomic medicines that address the underlying genetic causes of human disease; however, it is challenging to predict their long-term safety, because we do not know the consequences of potential unintended side effects of genome editing such as off-target mutations or immunogenicity. To define the biological effects of genome editing strategies, we will develop a human primary T-cell platform to sensitively detect functional effects coupled with an empirically-trained artificial intelligence models to predict them. Together, our platform will significantly improve confidence in safety assessments of promising genome editing therapeutics. 2020-12-09
Evolving High Potency AAV Vectors for Neuromuscular Genome Editing Recombinant adeno-associated viruses (AAV) have emerged as safe and effective vectors for clinical gene therapy applications including systemic treatment of neuromuscular diseases such as Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), and Giant Axonal Neuropathy (GAN) amongst others. However, genome editing in neuromuscular tissue, in particular, is challenging. The current proposal is on a comprehensive and innovative approach to evolve high potency AAV variants for systemic neuromuscular genome editing. 2020-11-19
Show Experiments (7)
Delivery of CRISPR Ribonucleoproteins to Airway Epithelia Using Novel Amphiphilic Peptides The proposed research is relevant to the public health because genetic and acquired diseases affecting the airways pose major disease and economic burdens. By advancing the delivery of gene editing tools, it may be possible to therapeutically modify the cells lining the airways. This novel strategy has implications for the treatment of both monogenetic and acquired lungs disease, and may have applications for other somatic cell therapies. 2020-11-02
Enabling Nanoplatforms for Targeted In Vivo Delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 Riboncleoproteins in the Brain In vivo genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 is anticipated to be the next wave of therapeutics for various major health threats, including neurodegenerative diseases. However, to date, very few Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoprotein in vivo delivery methods have been reported, and delivery to the brain has been particularly challenging. The unique nanocapsules we plan to develop will ultimately enable high efficiency neuron-targeted genome editing in the brain, thereby offering new hope to treat devastating neurodegenerative diseases. 2020-10-28
Develop Combinatorial Non-Viral and Viral CRISPR Delivery for Lung Diseases Efficacy and safety limitations in current gene editing technologies have hindered efforts to treat genetic lung diseases. This proposal seeks to develop and validate a combinatorial delivery approach that uses non-viral and viral vehicles to efficiently transport gene editing tools to disease-relevant cells in the lung. Completion of our work will establish safe and effective delivery vehicles that will guide the design of future gene therapies for genetic disorders. 2020-10-20
Expanding CRISPR-Cas Editing Technology through Exploration of Novel Cas Proteins and DNA Repair Systems Expanding genome editing tools through exploration of new CRISPR-Cas proteins and DNA repair enzymes NARRATIVE Fundamental research on bacterial adaptive immunity uncovered the genome editing properties of CRISPR-Cas systems, and it is clear that uncultivated microbes contain more pathways and enzymes that may be useful as genome editing tools. We will combine bioinformatics and biochemistry to identify new DNA- and RNA-associating proteins and will analyze their mechanisms of action. We will focus our investigation on newly described CRISPR-Cas systems and DNA-interacting proteins that occur in conserved genomic context. 2020-10-16