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Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) Program Initiatives

Animal Reporting and
Testing Centers
The initiative goal is to create and use new animal (mouse, pig, marmoset and rhesus macaque) reporter models to accelerate the translation of genome editing technologies into treatments for human diseases. The animal model systems are based on normal, non-diseased animals.More...
Genome Editor
This initiative supports the development of innovative genome editing systems with improved specificity, efficiency or functionality over currently available systems, including the identification of complexes with novel enzymatic activities and substrate specificities.More...
Delivery Systems
The initiative goal is to support the development and evaluation of innovative approaches to deliver genome editing machinery into somatic cells, with the ultimate goal of accelerating the development of genome editing therapeutics to treat human disease. Funded projects are focusing on a wide array of disease-relevant cell types and testing multiple technologies for delivery to these cell types.More...
Biological Effects
Biological Systems: The initiative goal is to support the development, validation and testing of new and existing human cell- and tissue-based platforms that can provide information on the safety of genome editing technologies and delivery systems. These models will be used for preclinical testing of editing, delivery and efficacy.More...

In Vivo Cell Tracking ProjectsThe objective of the program is to support the development of tools and technologies that will enable longitudinal monitoring and tracking of genome edited cells in humans to better assess the safety and efficacy of genome editing therapies. This will be accomplished through the development of innovative non-invasive technologies to label and track genome-edited cells in vivo, ideally in a clinically-relevant matter that has the potential to assess long-term safety in genome editing clinical trial participants.More...

Somatic Cell Genome Editing (SCGE) Toolkit Team

Principal Investigator

Mindy Dwinell, PhD


Aron Geurts, PhD
Anne Kwitek, PhD

Team Members

Jeff De Pons, BS
Mike Grzybowski, MS
Angela Lemke, BS
Jennifer Smith, MS
Jyothi Thota, MS
Marek Tutaj, MS
Monika Tutaj, PhD
Stacy Zacher, MS
Kent Brodie, MS

Former Members

Mary Shimoyama, PhD
Matt Hoffman, BS
Harika Nalabolu, MS