Frequently Asked Questions
The SCGE ToolKit is a repository that collects and disseminates, by way of this website, experimental data generated by SCGE-funded laboratories.
- The ToolKit contains experimental data, both published and unpublished, so not all experiments will connect to a publication.
- The ToolKit contains the tools (model systems, guides, delivery systems, genome editors, vectors, and protocols) used in creating the experimental data.
Data comes from the NIH Common Fund SCGE consortium projects which can include both published and unpublished data.
No. Only projects supported by the NIH Common Fund SCGE Consortium can submit data.
The top level is "Projects". Each Project has a one-to-one relationship with a NIH grant . The grant specifies what experiments the lab will conduct.
Each project contains one or more experiments. You can view a list of all the "Projects". As labs complete experiments they submit the data and information about the associated tools (model systems, genome editors, delivery systems, vectors, guides, protocols) to the SCGE ToolKit team.
The page for each "experiment" shows the data in several forms (as graphs if appropriate for the data and in a table). Experimental data can be downloaded as a .CSV file. Other files submitted along with the data can also be downloaded. You can view a list of all the "experiments" (link) or from the main menu.
Each tool has its own descriptive page along with links to other experiments that used the same tool.
To provide access to SCGE consortium generated data to the broader biomedical research community in order to advance genome editing technologies to the clinic.
Data continue to be submitted by SCGE funded projects through December 2024. Some limited data may become available after this date.
Use the search box at the top of the site.
Experiments may be unpublished and therefore not associated with a publication at the time of submission to the ToolKit.
When an experiment is associated with a publication there is a link in the summary section on that experiment’s page.

Data are being submitted and processed through December 2024. Some limited data may become available after this date.
Individual labs name their reagents and pass along those names when submitting their data. Clicking on a tool name will give you more information about the tool.
Yes. See the Citing the ToolKit page.
If you download data for an experiment the .csv file will have citing instructions in the top row of the file.
See the Citing the ToolKit page.
The labs determine what files to submit along with their experimental data. From each experiment’s page you can view a list of the Submitted Files and download the ones of interest to you.

Some experiments have both target and off-target data.
The submitting laboratory did not specify the target tissue when submitting the experiment data.
Not all labs submit the protocols for their experiment. If a lab has submitted a protocol for an experiment, you can find it under the Submitted Files link in the summary area at the top of the experiment’s page.

You can also see a list of all the Protocols available on the site.
Available data could include:
- Raw data as submitted by the investigators.
- Curated and processed data is integrated into the Toolkit and available for download.
- On each "experiments" page, you can download all, or a subset of the experiment’s data - Additional files submitted by the lab such as images, presentation slide decks, protocols, etc.
On each experiment’s page you can access those additional files. Look for a Submitted Files link in the summary area at the top of the experiment’s page.

If an experiment has been validated, a link to the validation experiment will be listed in the summary area for the experiment

Validation experiments provide a link to the original experiment in the summary section

If you click on the guide name it will take you to the guide details page and lists other aliases.
On the details page of the particular tool of interest, all submitted experiments that have used this exact tool will be listed.
If that information was provided during the submission it will be listed on the tool details page. If no information is provided, we suggest that you reach out to the Principal Investigator for the project.
No models are available through the ToolKit. Please contact the submitters for more information.