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ExperimentValidating Gene Editing Reporter 14 (GER14) Mouse Model in Heterozygous Blastocysts
Experiment ConditionCre
Assay Description: Reporter activation by NHEJ is calculated as the percent of blasts that express Katushka2S (RFP) out of the total blasts imaged.
Tissue Measured:
Measurement Type:Editing Efficiency
Record ID15000003593

EditorCleanCap® Cre mRNA
Delivery System
Delivery System Subtype

Model SpeciesMouse
Model NameGER14 Heterozygous Blastocyst

Application Methodelectroporation
Application Site
Injection Frequency
Injection Rate
Injection Volume
Days post injection96 hours
Editor FormatmRNA
Antidote Id
Antidote Description

Measured Values
Samples Size: 0
Replicate Result (Editing Efficiency)
Measurement Units: % of blasts with RFP activation
Mean 84.78 
1 84.78 
Measurement Units: % of blasts with edits
Mean 97.44 
1 97.44 
Measurement Units: Signal
Mean # blasts analyzed 
1 46 blasts for RFP 
Mean # blasts analyzed 
1 39 blasts for edits 
Cre Validation of Gene Editing Reporter 14 (GER14) Mouse Model in Heterozygous Blastocysts

Zygotes were electroporated with Cre mRNA and cultured 96 hours to blastocyst stage. Blastocysts were imaged for Katushka2S (RFP) fluorescence and scored for fluorescence signal.