SCGE ID13000000018
NameHEK-293T with Ai9 transient reporter assay
DescriptionHEK-293T cells transfected with an Ai9 inducible transgene reporter plasmid used to test gene editing activity by fluorescence. HEK293T is an epithelial-like cell that was isolated from the kidney of a patient.
Parental OriginHEK-293T

TransgeneAi9 plasmid
Transgene DescriptionA mouse Rosa26 targeting vector plasmid with CAG-loxP-stop-loxP-tdtomato reporter cassette which is activated by Cre recombination or double strand breaks on both sides of the stop cassette and NHEJ repair
Annotated Mapaddgene-plasmid-22799-sequence-115994.gbk

This Model System: HEK-293T with Ai9 transient reporter assay is being used ...
Project Initiative Contact PI
Delivery Systems Initiative Guang-Ping Gao, PhD
(University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester)
NIH Report