SCGE ID13000000026
DescriptionHEK293T cells with an integrated reporter for TLR1 reporter editing. HEK293T is an epithelial-like cell that was isolated from the kidney of a patient.
Parental OriginHEK-293T (RRID:CVCL_0063)

TransgeneTraffic Light Reporter 1.1 (RRID:Addgene_31480)
Transgene DescriptionA Lenti reporter transgene was stably introduced into HEK-293T cells by random viral integration using puromycin selection. The editing of the reporter produces mcherry fluorescent protein after NHEJ repair pathway occurs.
ReportermCherry/GFP traffic light
Annotated MapTLR1 plasmid

This Model System: HEK-293T-disrupted_GFP-mcherry-Puro is being used ...
Project Initiative Contact PI
Delivery Systems Initiative Erik J Sontheimer, PhD
(University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester)
NIH Report