SCGE ID13000000016
NamemTmG mouse
Official NameSTOCK Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo
AliasROSAmT/mG, mT/mG, mTmG
DescriptionROSAmT/mG is a cell membrane-targeted, two-color fluorescent Cre-reporter allele. Prior to Cre recombination, cell membrane-localized tdTomato (mT) fluorescence expression is widespread in cells/tissues. Cre recombinase expressing cells (and future cell lineages derived from these cells) have cell membrane-localized EGFP (mG) fluorescence expression replacing the red fluorescence
Parental Origin

SourceThe Jackson Laboratory

ReportertdTomato and EGFP

Publication Title
Engineered amphiphilic peptides enable delivery of proteins and CRISPR-associated nucleases to airway epithelia. NCBI

This Model System: mTmG mouse is being used ...
Project Initiative Contact PI
Delivery Systems Initiative Paul B McCray, Jr, MD
(University of Iowa)
NIH Report