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  • Epithelium of bronchiole
  • Epithelium of main bronchus
Delivery Systems
 BALB/c mouse
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Delivery Efficiency
Record Id Condition Tissue Editor Model Delivery Dosage Injection Frequency Delivery Efficiency % of cells Image
15000000033 S10, GFP, 1X Delivery epithelium of bronchiole GFP-NLS BALB/c mouse S10 shuttle peptide (40 µM); GFP-NLS (20 µM) once
15000000035 S10, GFP, 2X Delivery epithelium of bronchiole GFP-NLS BALB/c mouse S10 shuttle peptide (40 µM); GFP-NLS (20 µM) twice
15000000280 S10, GFP, 1X Delivery epithelium of main bronchus GFP-NLS BALB/c mouse S10 shuttle peptide (40 µM); GFP-NLS (20 µM) once
15000000281 S10, GFP, 2X Delivery epithelium of main bronchus GFP-NLS BALB/c mouse S10 shuttle peptide (40 µM); GFP-NLS (20 µM) twice

Publication Title
Engineered amphiphilic peptides enable delivery of proteins and CRISPR-associated nucleases to airway epithelia. NCBI

GFP-NLS protein delivery to mouse airways using S10 peptide. a Fluorescence image of lung tissue section 18 h following two intranasal doses of [S10]: 40μM; [GFP]: 20μMin50μl; ×2 magnification. Insets show the large and small airways at ×20 magnification. b,c Localization of GFP in different cell types. GFP co-localized with specific markers of cilia (α-tubulin, red), F-actin (phalloidin stain, gray), and nuclei (DAPI, blue) in large (b) and small airway epithelia (c). Non-ciliated cells were identified by the absence of α-tubulin staining; ×40 magnification. Arrowheads indicate ciliated cells (α-tubulin); arrows indicate non-ciliated cells. n=4 mice per group. d GFP localization in distal lung region. Co-localization of GFP and SP-C (red), a marker of alveolar type II cells, F-actin (phalloidin stain, gray), and nuclei (DAPI, blue); ×40 magnification. White arrows indicate co-localization of GFP and SP-C. e Quantitation of GFP+ cells in large and small airways following 1 or 2 deliveries of GFP protein. Results are presented as mean ± SE; n=4 mice per group. Pubmed Link