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ExperimentTesting AAV5 for activation of tdTomato in HEK293T cells
Experiment ConditionCondition 1
Assay Description: Two plasmids 1) AAV vector expressing dual sgRNAs and eGFP and 2) Ai9 transient reporter assay plasmid were transiently transfected into HEK293T cells. Images were taken for tdTomato expression after 72 hours
Tissue Measured:
Measurement Type:Editing Efficiency
Record ID15000000409

Delivery SystemLipofectamine 3000
Delivery System SubtypeCommercial Reagent
GuidesgAi9R; sgAi9L
VectorpH509 AAVsc-u6-sgAI9L-U6-AI9R-U1A-EGFP (1);

Model SpeciesHuman
Model NameHEK-293T with Ai9 transient reporter assay

Application MethodLipofectamine 3000
Application Site
Dosage2 micrograms of plasmid into 80,000 cells/well
Injection Frequency
Injection Rate
Injection Volume
Days post injection72 hours
Editor Formatplasmids
Antidote Id
Antidote Description

Measured Values
Samples Size: 1
Replicate Result (Editing Efficiency)
Measurement Units: Signal
Mean 1 of 1 Absent 
1 absent 
Mean 1 of 1 Present 
1 Present