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 Human kidney organoid (stem cell-derived)
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Delivery Efficiency
Record Id Condition Model Delivery Vector Dosage Delivery Efficiency % GFP positivity in LTL+ cells Delivery Efficiency % GFP positivity in CDH1+ cells Delivery Efficiency % GFP positivity in PDGFR-B+ cells Delivery Efficiency % GFP positivity in CD31+ cells Delivery Efficiency % GFP positivity in PODXL+ cells Image
15000003399 Control Human kidney organoid (stem cell-derived) Control
15000003400 AAV2/2 Human kidney organoid (stem cell-derived) AAV AAV2/2CMVeGFP MOI=10^5
15000003401 AAV2/8 Human kidney organoid (stem cell-derived) AAV AAV2/8CMVeGFP MOI=10^5
15000003402 AAV2/9 Human kidney organoid (stem cell-derived) AAV AAV2/9CMVeGFP MOI=10^5

AAV tropism in kidney organoids derived from human pluripotent stem cells. (A) Immunostaining images of kidney organoids exposed to AAV2/2, 2/8, or 2/9 at MOI 10^5 for 1 week. 5 cell types in kidney organoids are visualized by staining for LTL (proximal tubules), PODXL (podocytes), CDH1 (loops of Henle~distal nephrons), PDGFRb (interstitial stromal cells), and CD31 (endothelia). (B) Graphs showing percentages of AAV transduced cells in each cell type in kidney organoids.