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ExperimentIndependent validation of Gong delivery platform using RNP-loaded nanocages to deliver CRISPR/Cas9 to mouse brain
Experiment ConditionNC No Ligand Female
Assay Description: On-target editing efficiency was calculated by counting the number of edited Neurons (NeuN+/GFP+ and tdTomato+/RFP+) out of the total number of neurons (NeuN+/GFP+) in a defined region of interest in the brain, expressed as a percentage of neurons in the region of interest (ROI). Off-target editing analysis: peripheral tissues were fixed, cryosectioned and imaged directly for RFP (tdTomato). Presence or absence of signal above background was recorded for each tissue assessed. Biological replicates by condition were as follows: NC-CPP Males: On-target N=3, Off-target N=1; NC-CPP Females: On-target N=3, Off-target N=1; NC-RVG Males: On-target N=3, Off-target N=1; NC-RVG Females: On-target N=3, Off-target N=2; NC No Ligand Male: On-target N=3, Off-target N=2; NC No Ligand Female: On-target N=3, Off-target N=1. *Inconclusive: Signal in cells surrounding epididymal duct/testis germinal epithelium was observed in one animal (1 out of 3-4 tissue sections)
Tissue Measured:gastrocnemius
Measurement Type:Editing Efficiency
Record ID15000003381

Delivery SystemRNP-NC-no ligand
Delivery System SubtypeNanoparticle
GuideAi14 gRNA

Model SpeciesMouse
Model NameB6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sor^tm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J

Application Methodstereotactic bilateral intra-striatal injection, coordinates: Ant: + 1.2 mm from bregma and M/L +/-1.6 mm from midline; Depth = 3.25/3.75 mm
Application Sitebrain (striatum)
Injection Frequencyonce
Injection Rate0.2 ul per minute
Injection Volume1 microliter per hemisphere
Days post injection14 days
Editor FormatNanocage with CRISPR/Cas9-RNP
Antidote Id
Antidote Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2209751
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2532994
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_10711040
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_141637
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_2813835
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Antibody RRIDRRID:AB_141607
Antibody Other ID
Antibody Description

Measured Values
Samples Size: 0
Replicate Result (Editing Efficiency)
Measurement Units: Signal
Mean 0 of 1 present 
1 absent