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  • Kidney
  • Spleen
Liver and Biliary
  • Liver  (TARGET)
  • Lung
  • Heart
  • Muscle tissue
 TadA-8e V106W
Guide Target Locus
 Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain
 Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain
Delivery Systems
 C57BL/6J mouse
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Editing Efficiency
Record Id Condition Tissue Sex Editor Model Delivery Target Locus Guide Injection Frequency Editing Efficiency % of total sequencing reads with AT converted to GC Image
15000001520 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 heart Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001521 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 kidney Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001522 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 liver (TARGET) Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001523 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 lung Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001524 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 muscle tissue Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001525 BE-eVLP-Pcsk9 spleen Male TadA-8e V106W C57BL/6J mouse eVLP Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain Pcsk9 Exon 1 splice domain 1x
15000001526 Untreated heart Male C57BL/6J mouse
15000001527 Untreated kidney Male C57BL/6J mouse
15000001528 Untreated liver (TARGET) Male C57BL/6J mouse
15000001529 Untreated lung Male C57BL/6J mouse
15000001530 Untreated muscle tissue Male C57BL/6J mouse
15000001531 Untreated spleen Male C57BL/6J mouse

Publication Title
Engineered virus-like particles for efficient in vivo delivery of therapeutic proteins. NCBI

Title Description File Download SCGE ID
Chaikof-Associated Protocol 1_Retro-orbital administration and High throughput sequencing This Protocol describes in vivo administration of BE-eVLP for Pcsk9 knockdown in liver, including sequencing endpoint. Chaikof-Associated Protocol 1_Retro-orbital administration and High throughput sequencing.pdf 21000000031
Chaikof-Associated Protocol 3_Serum ELISAs This protocol describes in vivo adminstration and subsequent blood draws and ELISA on C57BL/6J mice. Chaikof-Associated Protocol 3_Serum ELISAs.pdf 21000000032

Adenine base editing efficiency in liver versus nonliver tissue

Adenine base editing efficiencies at the Pcsk9 exon 1 splice donor in the mouse heart, kidney, liver, lungs, muscle, and spleen after systemic injection of 7 x 10E11 BE-eVLPs. Data are shown as individual data points and mean +/- SEM for n=4 mice (treated) or n=3 mice (untreated)

Serum Pcsk9 levels in untreated versus BE-eVLP knockdown mice

Serum Pcsk9 levels as measured by ELISA. Data are shown as individual data points and mean +/- SEM for n=4 mice (treated) or n=3 mice (untreated).