SCGE ID13000000036
NamemTmG mouse (congenic)
Official NameB6.129(Cg)-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm4(ACTB-tdTomato,-EGFP)Luo/J
AliasmTmG; mT/mG; CAG-lox-tdTomato-lox-GFP
DescriptionmTmG is a double-fluorescent reporter transgenic mouse which expresses membrane-targeted tdTomato flanked by loxP sequences, followed by membrane-targeted GFP. After genomic cleavage by Cas9 at two sites, or Cre recombinase between loxP sites, tdTomato expression is lost and GFP is expressed.

SourceThe Jackson Laboratory

Transgene DescriptionmTmG is a double-fluorescent reporter that expresses membrane-targeted tdTomato prior to CRISPR-mediated deletion of the ORF. after genomic cleavage by Cas9 at 2 sites flanking tdTomato, the membrane-targeted GFP is expressed.
ReportertdTomato/GFP double reporter
Annotated MapmTmG plasmid

This Model System: mTmG mouse (congenic) is being used ...
Project Initiative Contact PI
Delivery Systems Erik J Sontheimer, PhD
(University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester)
NIH Report
Animal Reporter and Testing Center Jason D Heaney, PhD
(Baylor College of Medicine)
NIH Report