35 results for search term 'Epithelium'  in category Antibody


Antibody  - [In Vitro] [Delivery Systems, Collaborative Opportunity Fund, Biological Effects] [Human]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody study : Cas9 ribonucleoprotein delivery targeted to kidney epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2043201 Abcam (ab89901)
anti-Wilms Tumor-1 (WT1)

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of main bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
GFP (D5.1) XP Rabbit mAb antibody

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
Anti-CC10 (Rabbit) Polyclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:2,000

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
Anti-RFP (Rabbit) Polyclonal Antibody


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems, Genome Editors, Collaborative Opportunity Fund] [Rhesus macaque]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Lower respiratory tract epithelium termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2717534 PA5-71680
rabbit polyclonal antibody against the pulmonary-associated surfactant protein C (SPC), unconjugated, PA5-71680, Invitrogen


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2209751


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2813835


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_141607


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2532994


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems, Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2536526 AB_2536526
GFP Recombinant Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody, Thermo Fisher Scientific #G10362


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_2313606 RRID:AB_2313606
Vector Labs Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotinylated Cat. #BA-1000

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
Anti-RFP (Mouse) Monoclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:300

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
Anti-alpha Tubulin (Mouse) Monoclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:200

Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Epithelium of main bronchus termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium Endo-epithelium
Other Id:
Anti-RFP (RABBIT) Antibody


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems, Genome Editors, Collaborative Opportunity Fund] [Rhesus macaque]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Lower respiratory tract epithelium termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_477585 T6793
mouse monocolonal antibody against the acetylated α-tubulin, unconjugated, T6793, Sigma-Aldrich


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems, Genome Editors, Collaborative Opportunity Fund] [Rhesus macaque]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Lower respiratory tract epithelium termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_310759 07-623
rabbit polyclonal antibody against club cell secretory protein, unconjugated, 07-623, EMD


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems, Genome Editors, Collaborative Opportunity Fund] [Rhesus macaque]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody tissueTerm : Lower respiratory tract epithelium termSynonyms : Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Foregut epithelium Ciliated epithelium
Other Id: 905501.0 RRID:AB_2565050
rabbit polyclonal antibody to detect cytokeratin5+ basal cells, uncojugated, 905501, Biolegend


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_10015251 25-6790
Anti-Myosin VIIa antibody, Proteus Biosciences


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_10711040


Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: Abcam, ab104224 RRID:AB_10711040
Mouse monoclonal [1B7] to NeuN - Neuronal Marker


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Columnar epithelium Epithelium Endo-epithelium Meso-epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_141637


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_141637 A21207
Invitrogen, Donkey anti-rabbit alexa fluor 594


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_141607 A21202
Invitrogen, Donkey anti-mouse alexafluor 488

Antibody  [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id:
Chicken Polyclonal anti-NeuN antibody


Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_141607 Thermofisher #A21202
Alexa fluor 488, Donkey anti-mouse


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_2532994 13-0300 
Thermo-Fisher, Rat anti-GFAP


Antibody  [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2633281 Invitrogen Product #A32732
Goat anti-rabbit IgG-Alexa Fluor 555


Antibody  [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: Invitrogen Product # A32931 RRID:AB_2762843
Goat anti-chicken IgG-Alexa Fluor 488


Antibody  [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: Invitrogen, R10367 RRID:AB_10563941
Polyclonal rabbit anti-RFP antibody


Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: RRID:AB_2762834 ThermoFisher #A32794
Alexa fluor 555, Donkey anti-rabbit


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: ab150155 AB_2813835
Abcam, Donkey anti-rat alexa fluour 647


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: Rockland Cat# 600-401-379 AB_2209751
Anti-RFP (RABBIT) Antibody


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Animal Reporter and Testing Center] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_10711040 ab104224 
Abcam, mouse anti-NeuN


Antibody  - [In Vivo] [Delivery Systems] [Mouse]
Matched Fields: category : Antibody termSynonyms : Ecto-epithelium Epithelium
Other Id: AB_2286684 sc-17320
Sox-2 (Y-17) Antibody, Santa Cruz Biotechnology

35 results for search term 'Epithelium'  in category Antibody

Type Subtype Name Description Source View Associated...
RRID:AB_2043201  anti-Wilms Tumor-1 (WT1)
GFP (D5.1) XP Rabbit mAb antibody
Anti-CC10 (Rabbit) Polyclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:2,000
Anti-RFP (Rabbit) Polyclonal Antibody
RRID:AB_2717534  rabbit polyclonal antibody against the pulmonary-associated surfactant protein C (SPC), unconjugated, PA5-71680, Invitrogen
RRID:AB_2536526  GFP Recombinant Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody, Thermo Fisher Scientific #G10362
RRID:AB_2313606  Vector Labs Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG Biotinylated Cat. #BA-1000
Anti-RFP (Mouse) Monoclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:300
Anti-alpha Tubulin (Mouse) Monoclonal Antibody, dilution used 1:200
Anti-RFP (RABBIT) Antibody
RRID:AB_477585  mouse monocolonal antibody against the acetylated α-tubulin, unconjugated, T6793, Sigma-Aldrich
RRID:AB_310759  rabbit polyclonal antibody against club cell secretory protein, unconjugated, 07-623, EMD
RRID:AB_2565050  rabbit polyclonal antibody to detect cytokeratin5+ basal cells, uncojugated, 905501, Biolegend
AB_10015251  Anti-Myosin VIIa antibody, Proteus Biosciences
RRID:AB_10711040  Mouse monoclonal [1B7] to NeuN - Neuronal Marker
AB_141637  Invitrogen, Donkey anti-rabbit alexa fluor 594
AB_141607  Invitrogen, Donkey anti-mouse alexafluor 488
Chicken Polyclonal anti-NeuN antibody
RRID:AB_141607  Alexa fluor 488, Donkey anti-mouse
AB_2532994  Thermo-Fisher, Rat anti-GFAP
RRID:AB_2633281  Goat anti-rabbit IgG-Alexa Fluor 555
RRID:AB_2762843  Goat anti-chicken IgG-Alexa Fluor 488
RRID:AB_1196615  GFP (D5.1) XP Rabbit mAb antibody, Cell Signaling Technology
RRID:AB_10563941  Polyclonal rabbit anti-RFP antibody
RRID:AB_2762834  Alexa fluor 555, Donkey anti-rabbit
AB_2813835  Abcam, Donkey anti-rat alexa fluour 647
AB_2209751  Anti-RFP (RABBIT) Antibody
AB_10711040  Abcam, mouse anti-NeuN
AB_2286684  Sox-2 (Y-17) Antibody, Santa Cruz Biotechnology